Home Business & Small Business Services


Computer Repair

  We service most brand computers no matter how old. Most systems can be optimized to work for more years to come. Don't waste money on a new machine.

Small Business Services

We can help you. Let's find solutions to your problem in the workspace while savings costs to your company.


 Share files safely & hardwire your network.  Solutions to safety.

Virus Removal / Cleanup

Optimize your PC to have what you need in software's to do your daily work.

Backup Solutions for your Business & more...

 Secure your data from prying eyes and retain control of your backups at your location.

Remote Support & Other Services

  Call and tell us about your problem. Get free advice and solutions before spending your income. Let us help you save your costs with solutions.

Servicing Your Home Business & Office at an Affordable Price!!

Call 508 324 1668

867 Plymouth Ave Fall River MA.

Optimize your Business PC

 Take back control of your workflow in your business.  Optimize your PC to have what you need in software's to do your daily work.  Software includes free programs that allow you to combine PDF, make bar codes, qr codes, sell on Amazon and much more.  This custom system installation is optimized to reduce bloatware nonsense that is in PCs today.  Don't sacrifice your performance and go back to the basics where you are in control of your own machine. This includes free local backup solutions and filters for ads on your internet browser.

Business Apps & Software 

This custom installation includes a wide range of free software's that allow you to maximize your workflow in your business.  Software's will allow you to create, edit, create qr codes, bar codes for amazon selling and much more.  Free PDF book editors along with free office apps are included.  System is optimized to get rid of nonsense bloatware such as news feeds and other useless apps that the new generation of programmers pushed on the market.  Take back control of your PC and Renew it it like it use to be.

Secure Your Pc & Enhance the Performance

 Have your system optimized.  Remove the background programs that slow your system down.  The downside of the latest Operating Systems today are the new engineers and programmers sacrificed performances of the system for bloatware ads and news feeds thus harming your workflow.  Enhance and speed your PC as it once was in the past, before the younger generations altered the PC to the entertainment nonsense & gaming that it is today.  Renew Life into your office machine for speed, privacy & keep your data private in your own office.  Stop depending on the 3rd party Cloud only.  And take back control as it should be.

This Standard 2011 PC System is over 10 years old & still over performs!

Check Your Resources

I have decided to include this image to show you how you can optimize against the slowdown of your work or home based PC.

The image shows only 56 process running and very little memory being used.

                          Just press ALT CTRL and DELETE KEY>                                    Now under performance look at your processes.

Notice your PC might be over 190 or over 200 processes.  This is the example of what happens when you update the bloatware of your Operating system to today's culture.  They claim its for security; however look at the background tasks.  You should also notice in the lower right corner you have news ads and other cloud nonsense.  This is the problem with new updates. They homogenized PCs to the masses.  Allegedly about 80 percent of culture play video games, youtube and facebook and does not use the PC the way your company does. So now the younger engineers adapt your PC settings to the majority base.  Don't let your machine slow down to play Millennial culture world of warcraft games.  It is time to take control back from that nonsense. 

                        These are the kinds of enhancements offered                                          Call Now & Get Help To Improve Your PC

508 324 1668

Your Server & Backup Solutions

CDS Onsite Prices & Estimates

Current Diagnostics & Onsite Service Options

Local Area:

Option 1: By Appointment schedule  

First time customers received a $25 discount

Option 1: Standard $75 Onsite Service Cost

Option 2: Priority (Next Day) $100 Onsite Service Cost

Option 3: Priority (Same Day Rush) $125 Onsite Service Cost

Note: (Outside Area Call For Estimate.)   

Emergency Services or night services call for quote on labor fees.

Labor Coverage Policy:

Choices of Services below will reduce your cost of labor when you require multiple hours of service for your business needs.

Price Chart

General Labor fee: 1st hour $35

 Cost of labor is $25 an hour standard

When applying plans below discounts and services will be reduced.

Option: Basic Coverage Plan $150. (covers up to the first 3 hours of labor & Onsite (local) )                    Labor after will be at $25 hr

Support for Older Legacy Models & Services


We Fully Support All Older Computers of Windows XP, Windows 2000, Windows 98,95 & Most DOS systems

Call For Free Advice.  

 508 324 1668


Text  (508) 538-4180

               Over 25 years Experience                        

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