Save Money & Restore Your Home PC To New
This Standard 2011 PC System is over 10 years old & still over performs!
All PC work will come with full year warranty options, along with many free services to help your family. Pay For One Price No Hourly Rates .
Services for Residential Home
All PC work will come with full year warranty options, along with many free services to help your family. Pay For One Price No Hourly Rates .
Computer Repair
We service most brand computers no matter how old. Most systems can be optimized to work for more years to come. Don't waste money on a new machine.
Remote Support & Other Services
Call and tell us about your problem. Get free advice and solutions before spending your income. Let us help you save your costs with solutions.
Optimize your Home Business PC
Take back control
of your workflow in your business. Optimize your PC to have what you
need in software's to do your daily work. Software includes free
programs that allow you to combine PDF, make bar codes, qr codes, sell
on Amazon and much more. This custom system installation is optimized
to reduce bloatware nonsense that is in PCs today. Don't sacrifice your
performance and go back to the basics where you are in control of your
own machine. This includes free local backup solutions and filters for
ads on your internet browser.
Your Home PC Everything Installed At One Affordable Price!!
Call 508 324 1668
867 Plymouth Ave Fall River MA.